We are thrilled to be adding Robert Macarthur, Director of Pharmacy from the Rockefeller University Hospital, Robert will be leading a round table discussion for hospital pharmacies on How to Continually Improve Sterile Compounding Practice using In-House data and QBD Methods. 

Robert currently is the Pharmacy Director at Rockefeller University Hospital.  By training he is a clinical pharmacist, statistician, and a board-certified sterile compounding pharmacist.  For over 30 years Robert has been continuously engaged in the fields of commercial drug development, clinical research, and hospital pharmacy practice.

His work experience includes large pharma (Sandoz, Novartis), small/mid pharma (Systems Medicines, CTI, Aeson Therapeutics, Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals, others), commercial phase 1 units (LAB, Inc.), GMP drug manufacturing, and academia (Rockefeller University, Columbia University, New York State Psychiatric Institute).

In academia, as a Research and Hospital Pharmacy Director for over 20 years, his work has enabled and supported many hundreds of clinical trials and includes collaborating with many physician scientists.  This includes compounding novel oral and injectable products for first-in-human/phase I/II studies, and distribution of study medications and supplies to research clinics in over 30 countries.  In 2003, Robert received a commendation from NIH for his support of the ACCORD Clinical Trial.

On behalf of clinical trial sponsors and investigators, Robert has worked with and presented to FDA, EMA, NIH, NCI, NICHD, NASEM, patient groups, CROs, CDMOs, and others, always with the objective of moving a promising medication along the critical path towards regulatory approval. Over this time he has contributed to the development of many hundreds of human medicines, leading to multiple drug approvals in the US and Europe.

You can join Robert’s discussion on August 18th at 3:30pm EST

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